Payment Info

Please call us today with any pricing or scheduling questions. All fees are also included on our registration forms.

Payment by check

  • Make payable to Professional Tutoring, LLC.
  • All checks must be mailed or dropped off at the Professional Tutoring Cottage (11901 Cub Court, Fairfax Station, VA 22039) and put in the lock-box.
  • Mail to: Professional Tutoring, LLC, 11901 Cub Court, Fairfax Station, VA 22039.
  • Drop off: The lock-box is located on the wall inside of the tutoring room.

Payment in person

Drop off at the Professional Tutoring cottage. The lock-box is located inside of the tutoring room.

Payment by bank transfer

​Click on the “Pay Now” button on your emailed invoice to pay through a secure ACH bank transfer. This is the preferred method of payment.

Payment by credit card

  • Please contact our office or mark on your registration form that you would like to pay by credit card.
  • A service fee of 3.6% is added to ALL credit card transactions.
Picture of credit card types we accept: VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

Frequently Asked Questions

What methods of payment do you accept?

Cash, check, bank transfer (online check), or credit card (we can email an invoice or charge your card between the 1st and the 8th of each month). A 3.6% service fee is added to all credit card transactions.

Do you offer any discounts?

Professional Tutoring offers a pre-payment discount between 5-10% for tutoring, as well as a discount for SAT/ACT Prep courses when paid in full.

How should I make out my check?

You may make your check out to Professional Tutoring, LLC.

When is payment expected?

For all Professional Tutoring, LLC programs there are two options. For a discount, you can pay the entire amount up-front OR you can make no-interest, monthly payments due on the 1st of each month.

Can I give a check to my child to give to you in class?

We strongly recommend that you mail it via the US Postal Service or drop it in the lock box located in the tutoring cottage.

What happens if a payment is late?

Professional Tutoring, LLC requests payment at the first of each month of the registration term and allows a grace period until the seventh of the month. Professional Tutoring will waive one late fee per academic year. If there are extenuating circumstances, please notify us so that we can work with you.

Do you consider the postmark date for on-time payment?

Payment is considered on-time as long as it arrives in the office by the seventh of the month.

What if there are extenuating circumstances like a death in the family or job loss?

We understand that situations arise that might prevent you from being able to pay per your agreed contract. If there are mitigating circumstances affecting the tuition payments, such as sickness or job loss, please be assured that Professional Tutoring, LLC will consider such extenuating circumstances. Please contact us immediately so we can work with you.

What happens if I cannot pay?

Professional Tutoring LLC will assist you as much as possible in meeting your contractual obligation. In the event you refuse payment for whatever reasons, we will report the delinquency to a credit agency and seek legal recourse.

What if I want to terminate my tutoring contract?

We require one full calendar month’s notice prior to terminating tutoring or decreasing the number of weekly tutoring sessions. Notice must be given by the first of the month in order to terminate or decrease tutoring by the first of the following month. For example, termination given on December 15 would trigger a January 1 notice date, and a final termination date of January 31. The last day to provide a termination or decrease of hours notice during the school year is April 1 (for termination date of April 30). After April 1, tuition will be required through May.

What if I want to terminate my SAT/ACT contract?

Students register for the full six-month or nine-month SAT/ACT class. It is in the students’ best interest to complete the course. If a student is having difficulty for whatever reason, let us know and we will do our best to help develop a plan.

What if I want to terminate my College Coaching contract?

College Coaching is a full-service program. Professional Tutoring works very closely to help students (and parents) keep up with the college deadlines. In our 26 years, we have never had a student quit College Coaching; it is a great program!